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How to Stay Healthy During the Holiday Season

How to Stay Healthy During the Holiday Season

How to Stay Healthy During the Holiday Season

It’s that time of year… one million things to do and not enough time to do it!  Parties to attend and food to eat.  When are you supposed to get to the gym and make healthy food?  It’s the most wonderful time of the year (honestly), but sometimes it seems near impossible to keep up with your daily, healthy routine.  Here are a couple tips to help you survive the holidays so you don’t end up having a belly the size of Santa by January 2nd!

PLAN AND PRIORITIZE - First of all, make a list of everything you need to get done.  Don’t forget to put “Workout” on your list, if that is important to you!  Then plan your day, or week, around your list.  You will have to make priorities (who can really get everything done they need to get done, anyway?) but if you can cross off the most important items you will feel like you accomplished what you needed to.   Plan for grocery shopping and cooking at home, even if that means making dinner at the same time as breakfast.  It’s so easy this time of year to just order out or go to a restaurant, but the more you can eat at home the healthier you will be.  Leave the restaurant food for the nights you really need it!  Also, prioritize some “me time,” whether that means the gym, a quiet cup of tea alone (I’d have to leave the house for that one) or a special shopping trip with a loved one.  Put it on the list and make sure it gets done.  A more peaceful you will benefit everyone in the long run, trust me!

EAT - Eat a healthy breakfast, such as a spinach, pineapple, and protein smoothie or eggs, to get your day started.  It’s easy to skip breakfast or eat off of your kids’ breakfast plates, but starting your day with good nutrition will help give you the energy you need to accomplish your to-do list.  For lunch, throw left-overs on top of a salad.  If you have a party to attend, eat something healthy before you go (such as protein and veggies) so you don’t inhale the spinach artichoke dip (which you convince yourself is healthy because it has veggies in it, right?). 

DRINK - Drink tons of water!  Not only will it help keep your skin hydrated during this dry time of year, but it will keep your body hydrated.  Drinking water also helps you feel full before going to a party.  You can drink water at parties too, between other drinks you may choose to consume!

LASTLY - Cut yourself some slack!  This is only a season, and the New Year is a great time to get back on track after the holiday season.  There’s a reason New Year’s resolutions were invented, and it’s a great time to start fresh with the routine you want to put into place for your life.  Life is about balance, so eat and drink when you need to so you can stay sane.  Enjoy the cookie made with love and a special family recipe.  Enjoy the bourbon on Christmas Eve as you spend time catching up with family.  Enjoy the delicious breakfast casserole you’ve been looking forward to all year.  Just make sure you can get back on track when all is said and done!


Jen Armstrong, Propello Lifer & Fit Mom just trying to survive the holiday season 😊

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