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Propello Life blog life lessons from a rain storm running mom fitness

Life Lessons From A Rain Storm

I feel like the universe is trying to tell me something because the past two weekends I have been caught in huge rain storms in the middle of my runs.  

Running is me time

Before jumping into my story, I want to provide a bit of context.

For me, running is my time. It is a time for me to disconnect from my crazy hectic life, listen to some music, quiet my mind, and move my body.

Running makes me feel great mentally and physically. 

I do some of my best thinking while I am running.

Each Run started out great, but then things changed for the worse

Both of the runs started out great! The skies were gray, but the temperature was really pleasant - not too hot and not too cold. The weather app showed no rain for hours. Perfect running conditions!

So I set off on my runs. I hit my stride after the first mile and was enjoying listening to my music and zoning out. Then all of a sudden, on both occasions, the sky opened up at about mile 2.5 into my 5 mile loop.

 I found myself at the halfway point

As you know, the halfway point is that ambiguous point. You can turn around, but it will be the same distance as continuing on so you may as well just keep moving forward. Right?

On both occasions, I heard the all-to-familiar rumble. Moments later, the rain starting coming down and it didn't slow up.

I am not talking about a light drizzle. I am talking pouring down rain. The kind that drenches you in a matter of a minute. 

I realized the rain was a physical metaphor for some struggles I was facing in my life.

I had to stop and laugh!

Was this a sign or a message?

I couldn't help but think so.

What was this repeat experience trying to show me?

I thought for a few minutes about calling for a ride home, but knew I would be disappointed that I called it quits when I was already soaked, so I kept going.

It was like a ton of bricks (or in this case rain) hit me. This is it!

This is the point where you choose to move forward, or to quit.

Everything in life has this point.

Everything has a point where it feels like you are stuck out in the middle of something you started, and it's not easy and you kind of want to go back. But you are pretty far along, so you have to make a choice - run through the rain or turn around and call it quits.

I realize now that anything great comes with hard times, and that I have to persevere if I want to reach my goals. 

This part usually comes when it's pouring and thundering and you are well on your way toward the sunshine...but you can't see it yet.

This is the point when it's critical to keep going.

This is the point that makes all the difference in your journey.

This is the point where it matters most.

You started your journey for a reason. That reason is still true. It may be hard - anything worth it is. 

Just commit to moving forward. No matter how slow you move; just keep moving forward.

About the author:

Ali Hively – Certified Personal Trainer & Precision Nutrition Coach

Ali Hively is a lifestyle nutrition consultant who helps busy women make healthy living easier through positive mindset, developing habits, setting up their environment for success.  She has been in the health and fitness industry for over 10 years and is a certified personal trainer, group fitness instructor and Precision Nutrition coach.  She owns her own lifestyle nutrition company, Kijia, and runs the fitness department of The Wembley Club.  She has found through her experience that if you figure out what works for you and your life, and honor it, you will succeed!  Ali lives in Chagrin Falls, Ohio with her husband and their three little girls.

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