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Propello Life healthy recipe Cold Brew Pumpkin Latte with Collagen protein powder

Cold Brew Pumpkin Latte with Collagen+

Pumpkin season is upon us, and can you think of a better drink to help keep you caffeinated and ready for all things fall?! Our good friend Kim shared this recipe with us and we are incredibly thankful. It combines some of our favorite ingredients in a simple to make and delicious protein pumpkin latte with a collagen protein boost. Caffeine is an added bonus!

The Cold Brew Pumpkin Latte with Collagen+ is a great addition to your morning ritual or as an afternoon pick-me-up (or really any time you are having a pumpkin latte craving!). Plus, you get all the collagen benefits to you hair, skin, nails, and joints!



  • 1 Scoop Propello Life Collagen+ (Sweet Vanilla Creamer or Natural Creamer)
  • 8 oz cold brew coffee
  • 1/3 cup Coconut Milk (or milk of choice)
  • 1 Tbsp Pumpkin Puree
  • 1/2 tsp pumpkin pie spice
  • Optional:
    • Nutmeg (dash)
    • Whip Cream


    • Add coffee, coconut milk, pumpkin puree, pumpkin spice, Collagen+, and nutmeg (if using) in a cup. Blend with a hand mixer or whisk until combined.
    • Add ice, whip cream (if desired), and enjoy!

    Buy Collagen+ Now to Make this Recipe

    Propello Life Collagen+ is the best collagen protein powder

    Check out these other great recipes we think you will love!

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    Propello Life Pumpkin Pie Protein Smoothie

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