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Propello Life healthy recipe for gluten free donuts

Gluten Free Protein Donuts

These donuts are so good they might need to come with a warning label! The recipe is gluten free, dairy free, and so good you will forget they are baked and packed with protein! 

Give this gluten free protein donut recipe a try and let us know what flavor you like best.

Propello Life gluten free protein donuts with vanilla icing and sprinkles


Mixing Instructions

Prep Time: under 5-10 minutes

Baking Time: 10 minutes

Plus cooling time and toppings

Makes 8-12 donuts!

  1. Preheat oven to 325F.
  2. Lightly grease donut pan with olive oil
  3. Add dry ingredients (flour, plant based protein powder, baking soda, and salt) to a mixing bowl and whisk.
  4. Add wet ingredients (maple syrup, coconut oil, almond mil, egg, and vanilla extract) to the dry ingredients and stir until smooth - be careful there are no clumps and not to over mix.
  5. Add the donut batter to a piping bag. If you do not have a piping bag, you can use a large Ziplock bag with the corner cut out.
  6. Pipe the donut batter into the donut tray cavities and fill to about 2/3 full.
  7. Bake for 10 minutes, or until done.
  8. Let the donuts cool in the tray and then remove.
  9. Optional: add any toppings you would like to have: icing, sprinkles, cinnamon sugar, creative!
  10. Enjoy!

To Make This Recipe You will Need Our Vegan Protein:

Propello Life's vegan protein is the best plant based protein powder

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