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CBD for Active & Healthy Lifestyles, Benefits of CBD for Athletes, Propello Life, Natural Supplements

CBD for Active & Healthy Lifestyles

If you have been on Instragram lately, watched the news, or just up-to-date on current trends, then you have heard of CBD.  What is all this craze about, and should you try some?  The below article will walk through everything you need to know to make a decision for yourself on whether you try CBD or not.

What is CBD

CBD is a natural compound that is found in hemp. It is sometimes confused with THC. THC is the natural compound that gets you "high." CBD does not do this.  In fact, a hemp plant can either have high levels of THC or high levels of CBD, but not both.  It is an either/or situation. CBD works with the human body to restore body and brain functions through what is known as the endocannabinoid system. 

The endocannabinoid system is a series of receptors in the human body that help to regulate everything from our nervous system to our immune system. CBD works at the cellular level, and can rebuild damaged cells in the brain and body. As such, there are many proposed health benefits from CBD.

Health Benefits of CBD

There are so many health benefits of CBD because CBD works with just about all of our bodies’ natural systems. CBD works to restore balance to our nervous system, digestive system, muscular system, immune system, circulatory system, and also provides whole body relief in terms of cell growth and pain reduction.

Key Benefits

  • Improved Sleep (nervous system)
  • Anxiety relief (nervous system)
  • Addiction treatment (nervous system)
  • Bone growth (skeletal)
  • Reduces blood sugar levels (immune system)
  • Increases blood flow (circulatory system)
  • Pain relief (whole body)
  • Stunts cell growth in tumor and cancer cells (whole body)

For a full breakdown of what is CBD, CBD vs THC, and all the ways CBD helps the human body, check out part one of this article.

CBD for Active & Healthy Lifestyles

CBD is great for athletes and those of us who lead a healthy and active lifestyle. A good way to think of CBD is that it works to keep healthy people healthy on a cellular level. It can also help you improve your health as well. 

  • Dealing with joint pain - CBD may be able to help
  • Have trouble sleeping or staying asleep - CBD may be able to help
  • Want stronger bones - CBD may be able to help
  • Want help dealing with stress & anxiety - CBD may be able to help

Okay, so you want to try CBD.  Now what?! How do you select the highest quality CBD and the form best for your needs?

CV Sciences is one of the leading CBD manufacturers in the country and one of just a handful of companies that have been awarded the first U.S. Hemp Authority Certified Seals for Hemp Growers and Processors. Their research shows that our endocannabinoid system is one of the most important physiological systems involved in establishing and maintaining human health.

The key when identifying the right type of CBD is to make sure it was sourced cleanly, and tested appropriately.

Key Identifiers to Clean CBD

  • CO2 Extraction - more efficient and better for the body than alcohol extraction
  • Full-Spectrum - grown in sunlight, as opposed to indoor greenhouses
  • Third-party Tested - key for ensuring quality standards

CBD Quick Facts

  • CBD works with our bodies’ natural system to regular and promote health
  • CBD comes from hemp, and contains little-to-no THC
  • CBD comes in many forms, from oils to creams to gummies to isolate powders
  • CBD is non-addictive, and you do not need to modify any current medications or supplements when taking CBD


U.S. Hemp Roundtable -

Healthline - Beginners Guide to CBD - 


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