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Propello Life Peppermint Chocolate Energy Bites - healthy snack

Dark Chocolate Peppermint Protein Bites

We outdid ourselves on this one!!! These Dark Chocolate Peppermint Protein Bites are so amazing, and they are a healthy snack that will satisfy any sweet tooth or craving.  Give them a try and let us know what you think!


  • Makes about 20 bites per batch
  • Each Protein Bite has roughly the following nutritional profile: (not including the peppermint candy topping)
    • Calories: 71
    • Carbs: 10.6 grams
      • Fiber: 1.5 grams
      • Sugar: 4.8 grams
    • Fat: 2.6 grams
    • Protein: 2.7 grams


Protein Balls

Dark Chocolate Coating

  • 1 bag of dark chocolate chips
  • 1 tsp coconut oil


Preparing the Protein Balls

In a food processor or blender, blend all the Protein Ball ingredients until it sticks together. Roll into ¾ inch balls and place on parchment paper.

Preparing the Dark Chocolate Coating

While rolling the balls, create a double boiler by placing a small pot with water on the stove with a glass bowl on top.  Turn the stove to high to boil the water in the pot.  While the water is heating up, place the bag of dark chocolate chips into the glass bowl along with the teaspoon of coconut oil.  Continually stir the coconut oil and dark chocolate chips as it starts to melt.

Coating the Protein Balls 

Once the dark chocolate is completely melted, use a toothpick or spoon to dip the protein balls completely into the dark chocolate. Once completely coated, place the protein balls back on parchment paper or drying rack to harden. Optional: crush up some candy cane and sprinkle on the protein balls while the dark chocolate is hardening. You can speed up the cooling by placing the Dark Chocolate Peppermint Protein Bites in the refrigerator. 



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