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Propello Life Chocolate Chip + Oat Energy Bars - made with oat meal, chocolate chips, whey protein powder, peanut butter, honey and other great ingredients

Chocolate Chip + Oat Energy Bars

Need a wholesome energy bar and don't want to buy the overly processed ones from your local grocery store?!  This healthy recipe is a great snack and super easy to make.  Made with natural, whole foods and our Vanilla Bean Whey Protein, this energy bar is great for a mid-day snack or a great post workout energy pick-me-up.  Enjoy!



  1. In a bowl, stir together honey, peanut butter and Propello Life Vanilla Bean Whey Protein until combined and no longer clumpy.
  2. Add the rest of the ingredients and stir until evenly combined (you might have to use some muscle for this part!) 
  3. Spray baking dish with coconut oil, and put mixture into dish. Form into the shape you want (we made ours into a rectangle, but it didn't fill the entire baking dish).
  4. Bake at 325 degrees for 12 minutes. Once baked and cooled, cut into 6 pieces.
  5. Grind Himalayan Pink Salt (or salt of choice) ton top to add a savory taste to the bars!
  6. Enjoy the deliciousness!!!


    PER BAR (recipe makes 6 bars)

    Calories: 208

    Carbs: 29.3 grams (55%)

    Fat: 7 grams (30%)

    Protein: 7.8 grams (15%)

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