5 ways to boost your testosterone naturally
By: Drew Peters, MS, CSCs & Duke Armstrong, Co-founder & CEO of Propello Life
Do you, or someone you love, suffer from Low Testosterone?
Don't suffer in silence! "Low T" is an increasing and more common problem than you may think, and it can cause long term problems for any relationship. If you think you, or someone you love, may have Low T read the article below and take action now!
The leading symptoms associated with Low Testosterone (Low T) include: decreased sex drive, decreased energy levels, sexual reproduction issues (lower sperm count), faster accumulation of body fat, reduced muscle mass, erectile dysfunction, decreased bone density, decreased red blood cell production, reduced sense of well-being and more.
If you suffer from any, or all, of these symptoms, first know that you are not alone. 1 in 4 (or 25%) men over the age of 30 suffer from low T (*ABC News). Second, seek the guidance of a specialized medical professional (Endocrinologist, or your primary care Physician) and get a blood test to confirm your suspicions. If the test comes back positive for Low T, you will be faced with a few options. The two leading options are:
Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)
Natural Remedies to raise your testosterone
At Propello Life, we always encourage holistic, natural living as the first line of defense. So, this article will look at the best ways to naturally increase your Testosterone levels and minimize, or eliminate, the need for Testosterone Replacement Therapy or other pharmaceutical treatments.
Let’s take a look at 5 key actions you can take to help raise testosterone levels naturally.
Lift Weights & HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)
Optimize your Vitamins & Minerals
For the below vitamins & minerals, speak to your health care professional about the highest quality form, how much, and how often to take if you choose to supplement.
Vitamin D
- Natural exposure to sun – there is a fine line between safe sun exposure and risk of sun burn, so do your research before trying this method.
- Tanning Bed – there are specific types of tanning beds and the bulbs used that can help expose your skin to the Vitamin D producing light rays. This method is also difficult to get right, so do your homework on this method as well.
- Vitamin D3 supplement – using a high-quality Vitamin D3 supplement may be the easiest and safest way to optimize your Vitamin D levels.
Take the first step in optimizing your vitamin & mineral health with our superfood greens powder: CogniGreens
Reduce your Stress
- Sleep (8 hours)
- Stretch
- Foam roll
- Go for a walk
- Turn off your electronics and just relax
- Yoga
- Meditation
- Watch a funny movie
Improve your Diet
Reduce/Eliminate your Sugar
We all know sugar is bad for us. But, not everyone knows all the names and forms of sugar. Here is a list of 56!
Reduce your Alcohol Consumption
Keep it in moderation. Studies have shown that as few as 5 drinks per week have been shown to lower testosterone levels and hamper muscle recovery following exercise. For a more in depth review of Alcohol's impact on Testosterone, read our blog The Impact of Alcohol on Testosterone.
Healthy Fats
For a long time, fat got a bad rap. Thankfully, that era is over and we now know that healthy fats are essential to our health. Specifically, saturated fat is essential to testosterone production. Fat is calorie dense, so you need to eat it in moderation. But don’t be afraid of it either. Some great sources of healthy fats are: olives/olive oil, coconut/coconut oil, grass fed butter, raw nuts, avocados/avocado oil, grass-fed beef, whole eggs, salmon or other wild caught fatty fish and natural nut butters.
Lose the Extra Weight
- Diet: whole foods, nutrient dense foods, limiting sugar & alcohol, and avoiding fried foods and fast foods. Cook at home and shop the outside edge of the grocery store!
- Physical Activity: strength training, HIIT, and generally moving around more each day
check out these related articles:
*ABC News: http://abcnews.go.com/Health/Healthday/story?id=4508669&page=1
**Dr. Mercola: https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2015/01/19/magnesium-deficiency.aspx