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Mar 15, 2023

Yes, You Can Lose Weight and Gain Lean Muscle at the Same Time With This Strategy

It is an age old question: losing weight vs gaining muscle. Can you only do one at a time? Or can you burn fat and bu...

Mar 5, 2023

4 Reasons You’re Eating Clean & Not Losing Weight

Clean eating is a buzz word thrown around a lot on social media, but there is still a lot of confusion around the cle...

Feb 9, 2023

10 Steps to a Healthier, Leaner & Stronger You

"Success doesn't come from what you do occasionally. It comes from what you do consistently." We’ve all been there.  ...

Feb 9, 2023

Lose Weight Without Being Hungry – Through A Real, Whole Food Diet

We have all been there – looking to lose a few pounds so you go on the newest fad diet.  You do great for a couple da...

Aug 25, 2022

Five reasons you're struggling to eat clean

By: Britt Maughan, RD, CPT, CPPC The term clean eating can mean a lot of different things. For most, it means eating ...

Mar 17, 2021

Dieting Checklist: How To Get Your Body Ready For Fat Loss

by: Catarina Orr Spring is here, the weather is getting warner, and you're thinking it’s time to go on a diet for tha...

Feb 20, 2020

5 Common Vitamin, Mineral, and Protein deficiencies for Vegans

As a registered functional nutritionist, I work with all sorts of clients, and all sorts of diets. More and more, I s...

Jan 30, 2020


If you are like us, then you have heard people talking about all the benefits of a high protein diet. But what does t...

Nov 7, 2019

Is Intuitive Eating Right For Me?

There is so much confusion around food, diets, macros, etc... that it can make your head spin.  Fat was bad for you i...

Oct 24, 2019

What is Recovery and Why Is it Important?

Recovering from training isn't just a day off from the gym, the street, the field, or the bike.   It is about mindful...

Sep 5, 2019

Make Eating Healthy Easy for a Busy Family

Hi! We are Duke & Jen – parents of 3 young kids and founders of Propello Life. Just like you, we live crazy busy ...

Aug 29, 2019

4 Healthy Ways to Satisfy Sugar Cravings

Sugar cravings are a real thing.  We have all been there. You make the decision to eat healthy and workout to drop a ...
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